What is a Reiki Attunement?


A Reiki attunement is a sacred process facilitated by a Reiki Master to empower an individual with the ability to channel Reiki energy. During the attunement, the Reiki Master acts as a liaison to request that the student be prepared by the energy to be able to channel the energy of reiki. In the Holy […]

Why Take a Reiki Class?


People ask me, “Why should I learn Reiki? I often respond by saying, “Reiki gives you the keys to the universe”. I love that Reiki will help you with anything that is important to you in your daily life. I use Reiki for everything. Bringing Love, Light and Compassion to yourself and to everything in […]

Reiki and Tapping

Reiki and Tapping

EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Tapping is an evidenced based therapeutic technique that involves tapping on specific acupressure points on the body while focusing on a particular issue, such as a negative emotion or a physical symptom. It is based on the principles of traditional Chinese medicine and psychology. During EFT tapping, you repeat a setup […]

Reiki for Manifestation

Reiki for Manifestation

Reiki is a wonderful tool to help you with manifestation. It can help in aligning your energy with your intentions. Here’s are some ways Reiki will help to support you in the manifestation process: 1. Clearing Blockages: Reiki is a great tool for clearing energetic blockages in your body, mind, and aura, allowing your intentions […]

Understanding the Precepts of the Reiki Ideals

Reiki Ideals

The Reiki Ideals, often referred to as the Five Reiki Principles or the Five Reiki Precepts, are a set of ethical and spiritual guidelines associated with the practice of Reiki, a form of energy healing. These principles are intended to promote personal growth, inner peace, and harmony. They were originally taught by Mikao Usui, the […]

Living the Reiki Way


“Living the Reiki Way” refers to incorporating the principles and values of Reiki into your daily life. It is a holistic approach to living that promotes balance, harmony, and overall well-being. Here are some key aspects of living the Reiki way: Mindfulness: Practicing mindfulness involves being fully present in the moment, without judgment. This helps […]

Living a Life as a Reiki Master

I am so honored to be a Reiki Master. Reiki is my BEST Teacher! Here are some important aspects that often happen over time as you live your life as a Reiki Master. Being a Reiki Master has brought me so many unique and rewarding experiences. I would characterize them as helping me to develop […]

True Stories from a Reiki Animal Communicator

Reiki OC Blog - True Stories from a Reiki Animal Communicator

I have always loved animals. Over the years, Reiki has helped me to develop my skills in doing energy sessions with animals which includes animal telepathic communication. I would have never imagined in the past that Reiki would help me to build such a strong psychic connection with animals. There are now thousands of Animal […]

Reiki as a Tool for Developing Corporate Workplace Excellence

Reiki OC Blog - Reiki as a Tool for Developing Corporate Workplace Excellence

I have a corporate job working with 10 outpatient mental health programs. I have found that having Reiki in my toolbox for stress reduction and balance helps me to be a more creative, inspired, and innovative leader. I love that I can use Reiki to help me stay balanced and calm. I can use reiki […]

Angel Therapy… Connecting to the Angelic Realm in Love

Angel Therapy Statue

How Did I Learn About Angel Therapy? About 18 years ago after my first Reiki Class I heard some of my friends talking about “Angel Therapy”. This was a therapy system where you could ask to work with the Angelic Realm. I decided to take a class on the subject from one of my friends […]